Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ben's Eggs - Day 7

We've been wanting to change our internet service provider for a while because, honestly, the one we had was just so slow and a lot of times we couldn't even connect to the internet. Well, we finally did it last week and today we were able to log on using the new ISP. All I have to say about the new one is it's lightening fast compared to the old one. . . I love it! I've been surfing on the internet almost all day trying to catch up on everything, which has been a lot with almost a week of only having the internet on my cell phone.  

Anyways, I had wanted to post this at the end of last week, but didn't get a chance to. Whenever I incubate eggs, I try to candle them every 7 days (day 7, day 14, you get the drift) and then again just before lockdown.

Last Friday, was a week since I'd slipped three Toulouse eggs under Ben, so of course, I was curious to see if they were developing. . . and they were! All three eggs had a beautiful network of veins that was just starting to form.
This is one of the Toulouse eggs under Ben.
It's a little difficult to see, but the red arrow is pointing
to the center of the network of blood vessels.

Then, I candled an egg from each of the ducks that are, surprisingly, being very reliable broodies. They're developing perfectly, too.
One of the ducks' eggs.
It's much easier to see the network of blood vessels
and even part of the developing embryo in this picture.
I'll candle the eggs again in a couple of days, so we'll see if they're still developing as they should be.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! I had a quick check on the internet to see what Toulouse geese look like - lovely!

    When you next go on my blog, let me know what happened about the emu egg. Did it hatch? I do wonder about it, because I've seen nothing on your blog about it.


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